Excelsior College Taps ProctorU for CourXam Exams
Students taking courses through Excelsior College's CourXam platform can now take exams from anywhere using a computer, webcam and internet connection, thanks to a partnership between the institution's Center for Educational Measurement and online proctoring company ProctorU. The company's live proctoring service will be integrated into CourXam offerings to provide identity verification and test security.
With ProctorU, "a proctor guides a student through the identification verification process, assists with launching their exam and monitors exam administration via webcam," the company explained in a news release. "If any unusual or unpermitted behavior is observed during an exam, the proctor will intervene and Excelsior College will be notified at the end of the testing session."
"Excelsior College is proud to partner with ProctorU on the delivery of our new CourXam products," said Laurie Carbo-Porter, associate provost for academic affairs at Excelsior College, in a statement. "ProctorU provides our students with the flexibility to test from convenient locations such as their home or office."
Launched last spring, CourXam combines self-paced digital course content with college credit exams, giving learners a flexible way to work toward a degree. All learning materials, including lessons, activities, activities, readings, videos and graphics, are built into the platform. Students who get a grade of C or better on their exams receive credits that can be used toward a earning degree at Excelsior College.
About the Author
Rhea Kelly is editor in chief for Campus Technology, THE Journal, and Spaces4Learning. She can be reached at [email protected].