Assessment & Accountability

NCHEMS: From Data to Decision Making and Educational Attainment

The work of the National Center for Higher Education Management Systems, while perhaps not as highly visible as that of some other organizations, is continuing as it has for the past 40-plus years, helping colleges and universities translate data into usable information for decision makers. Here, CT speaks with Sally Johnstone, who recently began her role as the nonprofit organization's new president.

SmarterMeasure Assessment Platform Adds Competency Ed Tools

SmarterServices is updating its content-agnostic assessment platform, SmarterMeasure, to include a competency-based education readiness indicator.

WebAssign Debuts Placement Test Tool

WebAssign has launched PlaceU, a new tool designed to help institutions place students based on their own online assessments or those of other universities, such as Purdue or Texas A&M.

Department of Education Launches Federal Student Aid Feedback System

The ED’s new online portal enables federal student aid recipients to submit complaints and feedback, among other features.

ePortfolio: Changing the Rhetoric of Technology Adoption

Trent Batson explores how a reframing of the notion of 'ePortfolio adoption' may help promote the technology.

Technology at The Starting Line: VCU's Great Bike Race Book

Earlier this academic year, Virginia Commonwealth University was faced with a huge logistical challenge — an international, world-class bike race would disrupt local traffic patterns and supply lines. But the university saw the event as an opportunity to offer students a week of mini-courses, using the race environment as a giant learning lab and tapping a range of technologies to support student work.

FLEXspace: Sharing the Best of Learning Space Design

After only about five years since its inception, a free, open education resource called FLEXspace is already demonstrating its potential to improve both the process of creating campus learning spaces and the science of using them.

Association for Assessment of Learning in Higher Ed, Taskstream Partner on Assessment Research, Resources

The nonprofit Association for Assessment of Learning in Higher Education has partnered with assessment management and portfolio provider Taskstream in an effort to improve assessment in higher education.

Turnitin Intros Feedback Studio

A revamped version of Turnitin’s flagship product focuses on feedback over plagiarism.

Digital Badging

A Digital Badge Initiative: Two Years Later

The founders of Coastal Carolina University’s digital badge program report on their progress, the response from students and faculty, and what lies ahead.