Moodle 2.5.3 Released, Moodle 2.6 Passes QA Testing
Moodle has been updated to version 2.5.3. The new version includes minor updates, including bug fixes, accessibility improvements, and feature improvements.
Moodle is a free and open source learning management system in use at about 87,000 sites worldwide, including hundreds of K-12 schools, trade schools, colleges, and universities. Moodle used by about 1.3 million teachers and more than 78 million students participating in some 7.8 million courses as of this writing. (Updated statistics can be found on the Moodle Stats portal at Moodle HQ.)
The 2.5.3 update includes improvements to the course page that make them more accessible and fixes to problems with drag-and-drop features and PDF behavior. Other changes include the option to sort by last name in quiz grading reports and the ability to submit an assignment past a cut-off date. Some unspecified security issues were also resolved. Complete details can be found on the Moodle 2.5.3 release notes page.
The Moodle 2.3 and 2.4 branches have also been updated to 2.3.10 and 2.4.7. Version 2.3.10 only received security updates. Version 2.4.7 included many of the same fixes and improvements that were made to the 2.5 branch. Complete details can be found on the Moodle 2.4.7 release notes page.
The Moodle 2.5.3, 2.4.7, and 2.3.10 updates are available now. Additional details can be found on
In other news, Moodle HQ reported that Moodle 2.6, the next major update to the LMS, as passed its QA testing. Moodle 2.6 is expected to be released Nov. 18.